Thursday, September 9, 2010

Earthquake safety

I'll be glad when it's next week, this one sorta sucked really. Earthquakes and neutering are not my favourite things. I feel a lot better now but Mum said that the vet said I wasn't allowed to go to the dog park for 5 days! I think that is totally not cool 'cose I would love to go for a run.

Mum said that she would rather stay near home in case there is another big quake but I think we would be safer at the dog park. At least the roof wouldn't fall on us and I've been practising what we were told to do on the T.V. You have to drop on the floor and cover your head, see, I can do that.

Today was just another boring day at home and Mum decided to clean the bathroom. She said that now it was nice and clean she would be really p***ed off if the roof fell in on it.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute picture of you covering your head with your paws, Kuri! We do that too!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch
