Friday, October 8, 2010

Grandma's house and Mrs. Chimes

I met Grandma and Grandad. I think that their house is great, it's got stairs to run up and down and a really nice big sunny deck to lay on. There wasn't any yummy food though, Mum said the pantry was empty and Grandma had to go grocery shopping.
They've been back two days now and FatPoo is still at home with us. She's still annoying too.

This week I made a new friend. Her name is Mrs. Chimes and I think she is just the best friend a dog could have. On Sunday Mum said she could hear the Tony Chimes ice cream van music and she would go out and buy Dad an icecream when it got to our street. Dad and I went out to help her and the lady driving the van asked Mum if I was her dog. When Mum said yes the lady said

"oh well then, he gets a free icecream. When the grownups buy an icecream the dog gets one for free!"

It was the best tasting food I had ever had. It was really cold though and Dad said it would give me brain freeze if I ate it too fast. Mum said what a great way to get people to buy icecreams because every Sunday when the van comes all the dogs hear the music and make their Mums and Dads go buy icecreams. I think it's a great idea and I think Mrs. Chimes should go to the dog park sometimes. I think she would make lots of money there!

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