Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th & food from heaven.

Our day went right 'cose Mum was real happy she managed to walk to the big gate at the dog park and back to the car. She said we're going to walk that far every time we go there now and after doing that for awhile we'll go to next big gate.

I ran lots today and none of the trees peed on me even though it was Friday the 13th. Mum said that today bad things are suppose to happen but nothing bad happened to us, although Mum did remember that she hadn't washed her shoe yesterday but we were driving in the car by then so it was a bit late really.

When we got home I waited outside the birdroom while she fed everyone (it's way too noisy in there for me) and when she came out she gave me a new toy. It's awesome! Dad tried to take it off me but I won in the end.

I figure if I slobber on the handle end he'll leave it alone.

At dinner time I like to sit next to Mum and Dad in case they want to share with me. Tonight they didn't but Dad said that if I waited 'til Sunday, Lycan would be here for dinner and if I sat under the table then it would be like food falling from heaven. Sounds good to me but I'm not quite sure what they are talking about. I guess I'll have to wait 'til Sunday.

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