Friday, August 20, 2010

smelly beds and cat stink!

Mum said that I have to be honest and tell people that I can't type. Well the excuse that I haven't written for nearly a week is that Mum has had the pain in her arms and she hurt her wrist when she lifted a big bag of kitty litter. She sure said a lot of words when she did that and it's just sooooo wrong that I can't write my blog because the cats need a toilet! Yuck!

Last Saturday Mum said that my bed needed washing 'cose it was getting smelly. I thought she was just mean so I lay on it so she couldn't put it in the machine. I only got off when she said she'd put me in as well but ...........

...... look what happened when I got off!

"Ewwwwwwwww. Mum wash my bed, it's got cat stink on it!"

Bed washing days totally suck!

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