Friday, August 20, 2010

Health and Safety concern

Life is pretty good here with Mum and Dad but I got a bit worried when all the books on the shelf above my bed fell off on top of me, especially when I can honestly say "it wasn't me!". I'm sure FatPoo has evil powers and she made it happen by some freaky feline hoodoo thing.

Dad said it was far too dangerous to stay at home so we went to the dog park. Mum had found me another new toy. She said the birds had used it for a swing but they didn't use it any more so I could have it. It was a big rope and ball tug toy and she told Dad he could throw it for me to chase when we got to the park. Well we got to the park and Dad did throw it for me but I didn't chase it ........ 'cose ........ he threw it up into a really huge tree!

Mum called him an idiot and sadly, this time I must agree.

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