Sunday, August 8, 2010

the smelly Thing, fleas and 'for goodness sake'

Mum says I'm obsessing over my new toy. She calls it 'the smelly Thing' .When I try and share it with her she's says "take that smelly Thing away or I'll chuck it in the washing machine!"

I think she should chuck FatPoo in the washing machine 'cose I'm sure she has fleas. Everyone knows that cats are just mobile flea transporters and I'm sure that was a cat flea I felt on me!

It's been raining all day today and Dad didn't let me back in this morning so I went around to the office window and said "let meeeeee iiiiiiiiin, it's wet out here!" Luckily Mum saw me but I wish I wasn't so photogenic, she had to waste time taking a photo of me instead of rushing to the door like she should have.

I was worried that I wasn't going to get to go out for a walk today 'cose it was so wet but Dad said he'd take me to the dog park 'cose I was being such a pest (I must remember that for the next time it rains) He said that there would be no dogs to play with 'cose nobody else would be stupid enough to take their dogs out on such a horrible day. There was more stupid people ...... I played with 4 dogs, Dad got wet and Mum sat in the car. She said she wasn't stupid.

Yesterday Dad took me for a really long walk on the lead so I didn't get to play with any dogs and he didn't even let me off to chase the ducks or pukekos at the lake.

I did get to chase Eddie though. It was all rather exciting 'cose Eddie came inside and Mum had forgotten FatPoo was there (they don't like each other. Actually FatPoo doesn't like anyone really) anyway ...... FatPoo run under the table and Eddie chased her, it was all far too much so I chased Eddie, Dad chased me. FatPoo screamed blue murder, Eddie fuzzed up like a balloon and I got told off! Mum just said "Oh for goodness sake!" (I'm not sure who goodness is but I was too busy to look for them anyway) I think that was totally wrong and unfair. I know I'm not to chase the cat but that was two cats, different rules surely?

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